We've moved locations! Here is our updated address: 2700 Hospital Drive Suite 101 Building A, Victoria, TX 77901

Neuroma Treatment in Victoria, TX

patients bare toes highlighted red

Victoria Neuroma Treatment

What Is It, How You Get It, & Treatment Options

Neuroma is a type of pinched nerve on that ball of your foot that can cause minor or sharp pains. Neuromas are often found in runners, but can also be caused by wearing tight shoes or heels.

Treatment for this common condition includes custom-molded orthotics or
padding to relieve pressure on the nerve. Oral anti-inflammatory
medication or an injection to the painful area that decreases inflammation
and helps speed the healing process may also be considered.

If pain persists after trying conservative care, a series of sclerosing
injections may be recommended. This procedure uses an injection to
deliver a substance that actually shrinks and eventually destroys the
neuroma without surgery. It generally requires a series of injections to
effectively destroy the neuroma. Surgery is a last resort and rarely required.

Schedule An Appointment

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