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Toenail fungus Treatment in Victoria, TX

bare foot with toe fungus

Victoria Toenail fungus Treatment

What Is It, How You Get It, & Treatment Options

Toenail fungus is a type of infection that causes discoloration, thickness, and brittleness to your toenail.

Though toenail fungus can happen to anyone, it’s more common with older adults.

Certain strategies may decrease the risk of fungal nail infections.
Keeping the feet clean and dry, and inspecting them regularly are key
(fungal nails often have no obvious symptoms until the nail becomes
discolored). Proper hygiene by washing the feet with soap and water is
helpful. Patients should wear shower shoes in public areas, and change
shoes, socks, or hosiery at least once a day. Shoes should fit properly and
be made of materials that breathe. Home pedicure tools should be
disinfected after each use and avoid polish on discolored nails.

Treatment consists of topical and/or oral medications.

Schedule An Appointment

Complete the Form Below Or Call Us At 361-576-3338 (FEET)