We've moved locations! Here is our updated address: 2700 Hospital Drive Suite 101 Building A, Victoria, TX 77901

Arthritis Treatment in Victoria, TX

doctor with blue gloves working on a patients bare foot

Victoria Arthritis Treatment

What Is It, How You Get It, & Treatment Options

Arthritis is the inflammation of the cartilage and joints and, when occurring on feet, can cause disability, discomfort, and pain.

The cause of Arthritis is mainly hereditary, but it can also happen because of injuries, autoimmune diseases, the use of prescription and illegal drugs, and other factors.

Arthritis is treated through various methods. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), may relieve the pain and take away the
swelling. The doctor may give corticosteroid injections to the patient in order to reduce the swelling. Those who have rheumatoid arthritis, which
originates from the immune system attacking the joints, may benefit from
an immunosuppressant like Humira. They have the potential to slow down
or stop the progression of the condition. In more severe cases where the
entire joint or surrounding area has damage, the patient may require
surgery to remove the loose tissue and bone spurs.

Schedule An Appointment

Complete the Form Below Or Call Us At 361-576-3338 (FEET)