We've moved locations! Here is our updated address: 2700 Hospital Drive Suite 101 Building A, Victoria, TX 77901

Serving Beeville, TX

The average person walks between 5,000 and 7,000 steps per day. So, it isn’t surprising that, when you are struggling with foot pain or long-term ankle conditions, even the simplest actions in life seem complicated. From buying groceries, walking around the local park, or even heading to the office in the morning, with foot pain, all can become a painful endeavor. 

At the Victoria Foot & Ankle Center, our team of trained podiatrists and surgeons understand the mastodonic impact that a foot condition can have on every aspect of your life. That is why we are committed to providing efficient, discrete, and holistic care to each of our patients in Beeville and beyond.  

Whether you are dealing with a chronic underlying condition like arthritis, or you suspect an infection, Dr. Matthew Eberly, DPM, and his team are ready to help. Get in touch with our clinic at 361-576-3338 or book an appointment to start walking toward restoring your foot health.

The Benefits of Partnering With a Specialized Podiatrist in Beeville

Foot discomfort, minor infections, and swelling might seem like negligible issues at first. However, if unaddressed, these conditions can lead to chronic and severe health issues that will affect your mental and physical well-being alike. 

Here are some of the benefits of consulting a trained foot doctor in Beeville:

  • You’ll be able to access specialized knowledge and care
  • Treatments are based on your unique needs, goals, and medical history
  • We can treat a wide range of foot conditions, thus providing comprehensive and holistic care
  • You’ll receive tailored recommendations to improve your lifestyle in function of foot health
  • You’ll be able to prevent relapses and recurring pain

Not knowing what to expect? Check out our FAQ section here.

Finding Knowledgeable and Compassionate Podiatric Care in Beeville

If you are struggling with a foot condition, the chances are that you might be seeing drastic changes in your life. From exercising to keeping up with your responsibilities, foot conditions can be truly debilitating.
That is why at the Victoria Foot & Ankle Center our team is ready to deliver compassionate care, accurate diagnosis, and customized treatment to every patient in Beeville. Here’s what to expect when partnering with us.

Comprehensive Podiatric Care in Beeville

At the Victoria Foot & Ankle Center, our team of specialists can provide knowledgeable care for a wide range of foot and ankle conditions, including common issues such as ankle instability, foot injuries, infections and wounds, ingrown toenails, heel pain, and bunions. 

Thanks to our team’s expertise, we also provide care for congenital, chronic, or severe conditions that might be affecting the health of your foot, including arthritis, flatfoot, and tumors.

doctor treating a patient with red highlighted ankle
headshot of doctor eberly

Meet Dr. Matthew Eberly, DPM, and His Team

When looking for podiatric care, choosing a specialist you can trust might feel overwhelming. 

At the Victoria Foot & Ankle Center, our team of nurses and healthcare specialists is led by board-certified podiatrist and podiatric surgeon Matthew Eberly, DPM

Thanks to his extensive experience and knowledge in the field, Dr. Eberly can provide accurate diagnoses and design treatment plans around the specific needs of each patient. 

Book your initial consultation and make sure that Dr. Eberly is the right match for your care needs today.

Becoming a New Patient at the Victoria Foot & Ankle Center: What To Expect

If this is your first time visiting a podiatrist, you might be unsure about what to expect. When becoming a new patient at the Victoria Foot & Ankle Center, our team in Beeville, TX will make sure that you feel comfortable and at ease throughout your appointment, and that your treatment matches your unique needs. 

Get started by getting in touch at 361-576-3338 or booking your initial consultation with Dr. Eberly today.

Schedule An Appointment

Complete the Form Below Or Call Us At 361-576-3338 (FEET)