How Do I Know If I Have a Bunion?

Woman's Hand Massaging Her Bunion Toes I

If you have a bunion, then you know how painful they are. They make it hard to find shoes that fit, they hurt every time you take a step, and they can cause other issues such as bending of the toe next to the big toe, bursitis in the toe joint, or metatarsalgia, which causes pain and swelling in the ball of the foot.

What is a Bunion?

A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of your big toe. A bunion can cause bone deformity, pain, and stiffness. Bunions can be caused by tight shoes, foot stress, or arthritis. Although they’re literally a pain, they can be treated.

What Are The Symptoms of a Bunion?

If you have a bunion, chances are there is a bony bump at the base of your big toe with a hardened callus covering it. This bump will cause your big toe to point towards the direction of your smallest toe. You could also experience frequent pain for short periods of time as well as corns or calluses where your first and second toes rub against one another.

What Causes a Bunion?

While there is no definitive cause of how bunions develop, factors such as genetics, foot stress or injuries experienced, and deformities can play a role in the formation of bunions. You should avoid high heels or wearing ill-fitting shoes as these can help contribute to the formation of a bunion even quicker.

Should I Visit a Doctor?

If you have persistent pain or are uncomfortable when walking, you could be developing a bunion. Any swelling, redness, or limited movement of your big toe is a sign that you either have developed or are in the process of developing a bunion.

The team at Victoria Foot & Ankle Center is highly experienced in treating cases of bunions, gout, or bursitis. Don’t wait until it’s too late, visit us today!

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Meet the Doctor

Dr. Eberly is a skilled, board-certified podiatrist and podiatric surgeon with extensive clinical experience. His goal is to help patients overcome their foot and ankle conditions so they can get back to doing everyday activities.


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